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Do you not even have the god damn decency to treat me with any respect? I’m sick of being your little whore during the week, listening to the fucking lies slip past your slippery, scheming lips. You say you love me and I’m “your world”. Well your world must be pretty damn small if you can’t speak anything to me during the days you aren’t fucking me. I’m sick of this! I’m not a whore in the brothel you can throw on her back and fuck bloody when you want too. I’m not some pathetic little puppet who will let you tie her strings in knots and torture to your content. I’m sick of feeling like I’m trapped in a maze of distraught and depression. Two years and you haven’t the fucking decency to be a man and just end all of this? Instead you have to continue being the anchor of my ship that is keeping me from sailing forward. I’m just about ready to jump off. Either I will drown and join the countless other lovers who have stayed with a man like you, or I will swim towards shore, a place of security, hope and survivors.

I’m sick of being trapped like this, unable to move how I want to move, love how I want to love. I have so much to give and ask for so little in return.