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The warmth from my cup of hot tea cuddles against the palm of my hands on this chilly fall day as I light my scented vintage candles and listen to some alternative singer/songwriter music. My toes curl up against each other underneath the safety of my plush comforter. The steam from the hot water in my mug tickles the under part of my crinkled nose as I blow cool air against it. 

Today has already been a good day. Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and stressed with life. I’m in full-time college courses, I work two jobs, I assistant coach a softball team and I play on an adult league myself. I’m busy from head to toe Monday-Thursday, then have to plan ahead for free time to socialize and have relaxing days like this. I decided to talk to my mother about dropping a class to relieve this over-bearing work load on me. I told her I would rather take one class less in order to make sure I get As in those classes as opposed to giving myself to much to stress about and risk lowering my grades overall. She understood and now I’m able to take a deep breath and sit back knowing I can get through this semester in much more ease.

I hope everyone else is having a good day – Happy Halloween!

If not, here is a cute gif that I hope will bring a smile to your face.

You can never go wrong with baby animals.